How is PCM used to motivate people?

The Process Communication Model allows you to identify the personality structure of each team member. Each type of personality has its strengths, preferred interaction styles, preferred environments, its own psychological needs, and predictable stress sequence.

It was the ability to identify these key personality characteristics that led NASA to adopt this model, sponsored further research and subsequent standardization, which allows effective deployment to any organization.

If you have a variety of work teams that need to work under stress while delivering reliable performance, PCM can help you manage them, select team members, but also resolve and prevent communication conflicts.

Imagine that you could reliably identify signals of misunderstanding in your team and that some members are stressed. Imagine that you could accurately predict the stress sequence and the escalation of negative or unproductive behaviors and get instructions on how to stop it.

What would you say if you could assemble your team so that each member is compatible with each other, or at least can find a common language and prevent unnecessary conflicts.

PCM offers proven tools to identify stress signals and prevent conflict situations. During training you will learn how to identify each personality type, motivate them, how to communicate with them and strengthen your relationships.

If you are interested in more information please do not hesitate to contact us.  To spread the word about PCM, we organize introductory training workshops for companies and organizations for FREE.